O u r S t o r y

On our mother’s side we are descendants of a famous ponzichter family from Sopron. Since 1710 our ancestors have been involved in viticulture and wine production. Later they also ran a wine selling business in the Stubenvoll house in Balfi Street.
We were born into this environment, our childhood playground was the vineyard, we were always taken there whether we wanted to or not. We were born into this environment, our childhood playground was the vineyard, we were always taken there whether we wanted to or not. In 2020, we felt that the time had come to revive our heritage and to introduce the Stubenvoll family name to the public from Sopron and Hungarian, and one day to international recognition. Stubenvoll Winery was founded in 2020.
Our story
W h y S t u b e n v o l l ?

Sopron Wine Region
V i n e y a r d

We currently farm 6 hectares. We want to have a human-scale estate size winery. This size currently allows us to cultivate our vines and to make our wines only ourselves,
with our small family circle. Two thirds of our time is spent in the vineyard, the rest in the cellar and on tastings, so we have time to get to know our vineyards and varieties. We have been very conscious in our approach to planting varieties and not least in our choice of vineyards.
We place great emphasis on doing our best to ensure quality grapes. We take yield limitation seriously and we consider environmentally conscious cultivation to be our future, so we are striving for sustainable viticulture. We are currently working with 5 different vineyards, our flagship variety being the Blaufränkisch (Kékfrankos).
F a m i l y w i n e r y

Orosz Csaba
Ponzichter, Sales and Events

Orosz Péter
Ponzichter, Winemaking

W i n e m a k i n g

Our labels are uniform, yet have a distinctive appearance.
On the label you can find a very characteristic Sopron skyline, the silhouette of the city of Sopron clearly recognisable. The Fire Tower (Tűztorony), The evangelical Church and the Benedictine (Goat) Church are all depicted.

We are advocates of minimal intervention both in grape farming and winemaking. This means working exclusively with our own grapes. The priority is to produce high quality, healthy grapes.
We place great emphasis on choosing the right harvest days to make the most balanced wine possible. Our white and rosé wines are fermented in stainless steel tanks and our red wines in open tubs, with “punch down” (csömöszölés) method. We use only natural fining agents when necessary, and we aim to keep low sulphur levels in our wines. This is how we make wines.