O u r V i n e y a r d

7 hectares | 5 vineyead


The Gauer vineyard is clearly the centre of our holdings and the pillar of our development. – 3 hectares of contiguous land, well defined and enclosed on all sides. We consider organic farming to be our future. All the land we farm is protected with minimal and targeted plant protection. Only mechanical weed control is carried out in the fields and we are currently experimenting with mulching. We are currently farm/cultivate our vineyards according to the agri-environmental management, but on our Gauer vineyard we have opportunity to experiment with organic farming. Our lands have distant neighbours, with minimal chemical disturbance.

Stubenvoll Pince - Soproni Borvidék - Sopron Ternékfotók

Weidengrund – 2 hectare

Brown forest soil rich in clay, formed on tertiary Pannonian sedimentary rocks. Zenit

Gauer – 3 hectares

Partly medium-bedded, partly clayey, brown forest soil formed on tertiary Pannonian sedimentary rocks.

Kékfrankos, Pinot noir, Merlot, Zweigelt, Cabernet sauvingon.

Frettner – 1 hectare

Partly chalky, clayey, brown forest soil formed on tertiary Pannonian sedimentary rocks. Syrah and Zweigelt.

Gradina – 0,3 hectare

Fertőboz- Vineyard behind Gloriette lookout, with chalky subsoil. Lime-rich, stony soil. Furmint (expected planting spring of 2025).

Koglberg – 0,3 hectare

The village of Harka, south of the town, and the foothills of the mountain are surrounded by vineyards. This is a cooler, wind-blown area, similar in characteristics to the Champagne region, thanks to its rich chalky, stony soil. Zöldveltelini.

Soproni Wine Region

T h e m a p

Planting on 2021

F r e t t n e r v i n e y a r d

In the week before Easter of 2021, we planted a few more rows of vines.

Stubenvoll Pince - Soproni Borvidék - Sopron Szőlő ültetés-17

It’s been two years since the Frettner planting. We are confident that in 2024 we will be able to boast a sufficient quantity of grapes with a good sugar content after the harvest.