since 1710

O u r l e g a c y

We love the silence of dawn,
the crackling of fire.
the calm strength of our vineyards.
And the cool scent of the morning dew.
This is our legacy.
vine variety plantation

C o n s c i o u s f a r m i n g

We have been very conscious in our approach to planting varieties and not least in our choice of vineyards. We place great emphasis on doing our best to ensure quality grapes. As poncichters we take yield limitation seriously and we consider environmentally conscious cultivation to be our future, so we are striving for sustainable viticulture. We are currently working with 5 different vineyards, our flagship variety being the Blaufränkisch (Kékfrankos).

Stubenvoll Pince - Soproni Borvidék - Sopron Poncichter-7
chilling dawns

S m e l l o f d a w n

The grape grower wakes up to the cool smell of dawn when pruning.

The time spent in our vineyards, in addition to the hard work, also has a meditative effect for a true Poncichter. While you are in the vineyard, you have nothing to do but to immerse yourself in your smaller – larger thoughts and become one with nature.

our duty

N a m e o f S t u b e n v o l l

The playground of our childhood was the vineyard, we were always taken there whether we wanted to or not. We were born into this environment, our childhood playground was the vineyard, we were always taken there whether we wanted to or not. In 2020 we felt that the time had come to revive our heritage and to introduce the Stubenvoll name to the public from Sopron and Hungary, and in the future to international recognition. Stubenvoll Winery was founded in 2020.